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How Your Audience Remembers Content

Written by Olivia Smolder | Aug 22, 2018 9:06:58 PM
How much information does your audience REALLY retain? 
- 30% of what they see
- 20% of what they hear
- 70% of what they see and hear

Video is at the top of the digital and visual food chain, and here is why.

Video combines two things that catch our attention - movement AND sound; therefore, it appeals to auditory and visual learners. Both play a significant role in helping your audience retain your company's message. Humans' brains love video because you are naturally wired to retain visual PLUS audible content, more so than a page full of words. And when you think about it, what is the perfect form of content that incorporates strong visuals and compelling sound? Video, of course.

To learn more about why Pop Video is THE choice for a video and visual content partner, check out our Why Pop page. And to see the full infographic, click here!